Mother inclined her cheek and her little daughter gave it a kiss. 母亲俯下身来,她的小女儿在她的脸颊上亲了一口。
The number of kisses is optional, and as there are no rules on which cheek to kiss first, there are often clashes. 意大利式亲吻的次数是随意选择的,没有明确规定需要先亲吻哪一侧的脸颊,但是会经常撞头。
There are no rules about which cheek to kiss. 至于亲吻哪一侧的脸颊并没有惯例。
Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss. 用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。
'If you wish,' she answered coldly. She offered her cool cheek to him, but her eyes rested on a distant tree as if the kiss had nothing to do with her. 如果你想这样的话,她漠然地答道。她向他仰起了冰凉的脸颊,目光却停留在远处的一棵树上,仿佛这亲吻跟她丝毫不相干似的。
As alway he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss. 像往常一样,他轻吻了一下女儿的脸颊。
Studies show that right foot is more sensitive to tickling, than the left, the left cheek the more favourable one to kiss, and the left side is the favoured one for holding babies. 研究表明右脚对痒更敏感,左边脸颊对亲吻更加敏感,而左边身体更适合用来抱婴儿。